Terms & Conditions
To be eligible to enroll in this Online Driver’s Education Course, you must:
- Be at least 14 ½ years old
- Have access to the Internet
- Complete the online registration form on the next page
- Pay the course tuition directly to the school at registration. A student will be locked from his/her online account until payment is received.
- Complete the online registration form with any missing information on the next page.
- Register with the Colorado State DMV to obtain a Pre-Registration Number (instructions for this step are available once a student logs in to his/her online course).
How to apply for a pre-Registration Code
State Link
Enrolled students must agree to the following - I must:
- Read every page of the online textbook (monitored).
- Complete all 10 Modules in order, beginning at Module One (1).
- Achieve a minimum passing grade of 80% on the quizzes and tests before moving on to the next Topic or Module.
- Review Colorado current handbook for references https://driving-tests.org/colorado/co-dmv-drivers-handbook-manual/
Notify the driving school directly if I decide to quit the online course. Refund to be discussed if requested within 7 days from registration date.
In order to be eligible for the Final Examination, enrolled students must:
- Complete all course work and achieve a minimum passing grade of 80% proficiency on the following:
- Each Topic Quiz
- Each Module Test
- Have a minimum course time of at least 30 hours.
- Pre-Registration Code MUST be in student's File.
In order to receive the Completion Certificate for the course, enrolled students must:
- Pass the Final Exam with a minimum passing grade of 80%.
Once the Online Driver’s Education Course is completed, it is the driving school itself that issues the Certificate of Completion, within 3 business days after completion.
I understand:
- When communicating or corresponding with Costech administrators, teachers and support personnel that I must NOT use abusive or offensive language. If I use abusive or offensive language, I may be suspended or removed from this course and I will not receive an Affidavit of Completion or tuition refund.
By clicking the “I Agree” button, you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions listed above. Costech reserves the right to suspend or remove you (the student) from this course for any violation of the above mentioned items.